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Heirs To Our Oceans

Three important pillars in H2OO:  

(1) All water is connected, as we live on a water planet -- from our oceans to the water we drink, it’s all one water system; 

(2) For the paradigm-shifting change that is needed to occur worldwide, underserved and indigenous youth globally must be supported in quality education and empowerment opportunities;

* To support underserved and marginalized youth, H2OO provides full scholarships for opportunities, from attending our annual H2OO SEAL (Summit for Empowerment Action & Leadership) to learning and presenting at international events;


(3) The health of our natural environment and human health is connected -- when one suffers, both suffer.

We have learned about and seen the atrocities to our oceans and waterways.  

We have studied what is happening to know why action is needed to end the human impacts on our planet’s waters. 

We are sad.  We are mad.  We are motivated.  We are inspired.  We are hopeful.  We are tenacious.  And together we are taking action.

We ARE world changers, now, today, starting as young as middle school. We are influencing policy change, presenting to adults and youth alike, inspiring educators to teach youth about the real world issues they’re inheriting, making films about human impacts on our oceans and waterways, and more.  We aren’t just a part of the solution. Youth ARE the solution.

Heirs To Our Oceans are unstoppable.  Because we have to be.   

We have a job to do.

Hop in and ride this wild wave with us.  Join us in making world change by supporting the next generation becoming active and engaged now.  

Via Senti

With a mission of empowering all youth to make positive change in this world through activist-oriented, interdisciplinary, socio- and eco-justice-themed learning projects, via senti is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation and has been granted tax exempt status under IRC Section 501(c)(3).   All donations are tax deductible for income tax purposes.  The date of incorporation is May 31, 2016, and the federal tax identification number is 81-2945459.

All donations will go directly to providing scholarships to underserved youth who show a commitment to ocean and water protection so that they may attend events globally where they learn more deeply about human impacts on their water planet, connect with youth globally in processing solutions and forming an international water-protecting family, and where they engage in public speaking inspiring other youth to take a stand for their oceans and waterways.

Thank you in advance for your help, love, care and support. 

Sincerely, Heirs To Our Oceans

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