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We still need your support for HJR11! Please call 1-800-372-7181 to ask all legislators to vote YES

HJR11 has strong support. We need you to continue sharing this information to make a difference for the future of our environment. Because of your support, we can ALREADY see a brighter and safer future for Kentucky citizens and for our environment!

Today we are sharing a message by KCC. Please be proactive and call your legislators today and ask them to vote in support of HJR11:

"Legislative Message Line: 1-800-372-7181. Operators accept a message from 7 am to 11 pm ET Monday to Thursday, and 7 am to 6 pm ET Friday, during sessions. (If the phone lines are closed due to weather or holidays, you can also send emails using the info below). Email your legislators at Don’t know who your legislator is? You can find them here. You can also find a full list of legislator emails here."

List of House Bills and Resolutions KCC is watching to date

List of Senate Bills and Resolutions KCC is watching to date

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